Brycchan Carey, Author and Academic
Welcome!My name is Brycchan Carey and I'm an academic, author, and public speaker. My interests include the history of natural history, slavery and abolition, empire, and Black British history and literature. My site offers pages dedicated to all these topics, as well as pages on many other places, people, topics, and writings that interest me. Latest News! My new book The Unnatural Trade: Slavery, Abolition, and Environmental Writing, 1650-1807 is out now. Find out more and order.
About MeI am Professor of Literature, Culture, and History in the Department of Humanities at Northumbria University in Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom. I have a wide range of interests centred on history, literature, and culture from the sixteenth to the nineteenth centuries, but I work primarily on empire, slavery, and abolition on the one hand, and early modern and eighteenth-century natural history and the environment on the other. I have written or edited nine books to date, with more on the way. My most recent is The Unnatural Trade: Slavery, Abolition, and Environmental Writing, 1650-1807, published by Yale University Press in 2024. I am currently working on The Parish Revolution: a study of clerical naturalists in the age of enlightenment. As part of this, I am organising a conference on Gilbert White of Selborne. I am the Treasurer of The Association for Study of Literature and Environment, UK and Ireland (ASLE-UKI). I was the first President of The Literary London Society, the 2021-24 President of The British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, and the 2015-19 President of ASLE-UKI. I am also active with my local environmental group, Alnwick Area Friends of the Earth in North Northumberland. And yes, my name is spelled (or spelt) incorrectly. The proper Welsh spelling is "Brychan". Click here to see why If you'd like to get in touch you can send me email, but before you do, please read the Frequently Asked Questions. You can also read my full academic CV, or check out my profile at Northumbria University. If you'd like to receive regular updates about this site and my other activities, you can follow me on Twitter. My wife Rosie Paice is also an academic and author. Her website has loads of information about English Civil War poetry and the art and poetry of William Blake. Check it out at Whatever you choose to do, thank you for visiting!
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